Soybean Seed Quality in the Lab

The MCIA seed lab is seeing some lower quality soybeans as a result of delayed harvest due to warm wet conditions in October.  It is always interesting doing multiple tests on a particular seed lot to learn more about its quality.  It is especially true this year.  With seed – every lot is unique, but there are often trends associated with the year.  Following is a summary of testing performed so far.  The percentages are reflective individual test averages. The “Plus” number is reflective of direct comparisons to warm or cold germinations for samples specific to the testing performed. We hope this information is useful in determining which testing/treatment to perform. These numbers are for specific samples and are not guarantees for improvements in each seed lot.  If there are questions, feel free to call.

Warm Germination TZ Test Sand Germination Treated Germination Thiabendazole Germination
83.6% 90.8% 91.4% 88.1% 95.0%
+28 +13 +15 +28


Untreated Cold Germination Accelerated Aging Test Treated Germination Thiabendazole Germination
63.3% 65.5% 88.4% 95.0%
+4 +30 +39